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BIKEMESSENGER24.com is an advertising platform for all independently working bike messengers. We are not an agency, but would like to give you a selection of carefully selected bicycle couriers.

Each bicycle courier works absolutely independently, within their own responsibility.

The client can contact the rider directly on our website via the contact options (email or mobile phone) given in the profile of the bike courier.

In large cities, the traffic situation has become very acute in recent years so that inner-city transports can usually be delivered more quickly by bicycle. With the bicycle, one is never trapped in traffic jam or by diversions. And parking problems simply don’t exist for bicycle couriers.

For urgent shipments of any kind: files, dentures, medicines, urgent purchases, the forgotten bouquet of flowers – or up to 5 Big Macs from McDonalds….the drivers of BIKEMESSENGER24.com can deliver almost anything to your doorstep, at any time.

All bike messengers have a profile with their current standby status and location. Ask them directly!

Find your favourite courier on BIKEMESSENGER24.com

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What is this Website about?

Bike-Messenger24.com & Radkurier24.com is a advertising platform for every self independent working messenger courier. We are not an agency but would like to give you a choice of carefully selected independent working bike couriers.

Every bike messenger works completely independent and on his own responsibility

The client can contact the driver directly on our site via the contact options specified in the profile of the Bike Messenger (email or mobile phone).

In recent years, the traffic situation has become very acute, so that urban transport can be delivered faster with a bicycle. With the bike you will not be in a traffic jam, diversions and also any parking problems can also be prevented by bicycle messenger.

Whether urgent items of any kind: files, dentures, medicines, urgent purchases, the forgotten bouquet of flowers till to 5 Big Macs of Mac Donalds …. the messengers of this portal can deliver you almost anywhere at any time in the city directly to your front door ,

You can find his current standby status as well as his location at every bike messenger in his profile. Ask him directly.

Find your favorite courier on Bike-Messenger24.com / BikeMessenger24.com / Radkurier24.com